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Proceedings, where available, are posted to the Symposium Papers page. Clicking on the links below will download files to your computer. The file sizes and type of file are next to the link.

Guidelines for reprinting material from this site

  Thursday | Friday
  Wednesday — National Association of Animal Breeders   Symposium: The History of AI

  40 Years of Beef Artificial Insemination (AI) by Robert Walton, former
  ABS President
  Synopsis | PowerPoint (3.4MB .pdf) | Audio (8.5MB mp3)

  Making Money with Commercial AI by Tim Sutphin, Virginia
  Synopsis | PowerPoint (1.6MB .pdf) | Audio (7.5MB mp3)

  Wednesday | Friday
  Thursday — General Session: Performance at a Crossroads

  A Look Back at BIF History by A.L. (Ike) Eller Jr., Extension animal
  scientist, emeritus, Virginia Tech
  Synopsis (786KB .pdf) | Audio (7.9MB mp3)

  Introduction to Audience Input, by Tom Field, professor of animal
  sciences, Colorado State University
  Synopsis (589KB .pdf) | Audio (2.9MB mp3)

  Audience Input
  Thursday: Part 1 (3.9 MB pdf) | Part 2 (3.9 MB pdf) | Part 3 (4.6 MB pdf)
  Friday: Part 4 (5 MB pdf) |

  Genetic Improvement and Who Benefits, at What Cost
  and Who Pays? by Kent Andersen, executive vice president, North
  American Limousin Foundation
  Synopsis (1.3MB .pdf) | PowerPoint (1.5MB .pdf) | Audio (9.3MB mp3)

  Are Beef Genetics Research, Education and Extension Relevant?
      • Ronnie Green, national program leader, food animal production,
        PowerPoint (3.1MB .pdf) | Audio (6.2MB mp3)

      • Are Beef Genetics Research, Education and Extension Relevant?
        Brian McCulloh, Woodhill Farms Inc., Viroqua, Wis.
        PowerPoint (6.3MB) | Audio (3.9MB mp3)

        Synopsis (537KB .pdf) of presentations by Green and McCulloh

  What is Your Approach to Genetic Improvement? — Audience
  participation moderated by Tom Field, Colorado State University
  Audio (2MB mp3)

  Roundtable discussion: Does the Seedstock Industry Focus on the
  Needs of the Commercial Cow-Calf Producer?
  Synopsis (623KB .pdf)

      • Moderator: Ron Bolze, director of commercial marketing,
        Red Angus Association of America
        Audio (1.7MB mp3)

      • Roundtable panelist Mark Gardiner, Gardiner Angus Ranch,
        Ashland, Kan.
        PowerPoint (1.2MB .pdf) | Audio (2 MB mp3)

      • Roundtable panelist Steve Radakovich, Radakovich Cattle Co.,
        Earlham, Iowa
        Audio (2.9 MB mp3)

      • Roundtable panelist Mike Kasten, Kasten Ranch, Millersville, Mo.
        Audio (1.2MB mp3)

      • Roundtable panelist Chip Ramsey, Rex Ranch, Ashby, Neb.
        Audio (2.2MB mp3)

  Defining the Ideal Beef Animal. How Will We Get There? — Audience
  participation moderated by Tom Field, Colorado State University
  Audio (2.2MB mp3)

  Thursday — Genetic Prediction Committee

  Mark Thallman, Chair

  Report of the Subcommittee on Standardization of EPDs for Carcass   Traits, by Dan Moser, associate professor of beef cattle genetics,
  Kansas State University
  Synopsis (784KB .pdf) | PowerPoint (16KB .pdf) | Audio (1.2MB mp3)

  Genetic Evaluation of Beef Carcass Data Using Different End-point
  Adjustments, by Janice Rumph, assistant professor of animal breeding
  and genetics, Montana State University
  PowerPoint (4.5MB .pdf) | Audio (2.2MB mp3)

  Standardization of Reporting DNA Test Results, by John Pollak,
  Cornell University
  PowerPoint (84KB .pdf) | Audio (3.2MB mp3) | Audio-Q&A (2.5MB mp3)

  Update on a prototype Multi-Breed National Cattle Evaluation, by
  Keith Bertrand, University of Georgia
  PowerPoint (156KB .pdf) | Audio (3.3MB mp3)

  Across-Breed EPD Tables for the Year 2007 Adjusted to Breed
  Differences for Birth Year 2005, Larry Kuehn, research geneticist,
  Synopsis (294KB .pdf) | PowerPoint (616KB .pdf) | Audio (3.2MB mp3)

  Thursday — Live Animal, Carcass and End Product Committee

  Robert Williams, Chair

  BIF Guidelines for Teat and Udder Scoring in Beef Cattle, by Lauren
Hyde, director of performance programs, North American Limousin
  Synopsis (773KB .pdf) | PowerPoint (460KB .pdf) | Audio (3.5MB mp3)

  Ultrasound Then and Now, by John Crouch, executive vice president,
American Angus Association
  Synopsis (427KB .pdf) | PowerPoint (64KB.pdf) | Audio (7.2MB mp3)

  The Value of Phenotypes,
by Dorian Garrick, Colorado State University
  Audio (11.6MB mp3)

  Thursday — Selection Decisions Committee

  Darrh Bullock, Chair

  Feed Efficiency, by Merlyn Nielsen, professor of animal breeding,
University of Nebraska
  PowerPoint (1MB .pdf) | Audio (10.7MB mp3) | Audio (10.7MB mp3) 

  IGF-1 as an Indicator for Feed Efficiency, by Gordon Carstens,
associate professor of animal nutrition, Texas A&M University
  PowerPoint (684KB.pdf) | Audio (11.5 MB mp3) 

  Bull Marketing, by Frank Padilla, director of member relations, North
American Limousin Foundation
  PowerPoint (1.5MB .pdf) | Audio (3.8 MB mp3) 

  Temperament, by Robert Weaber, assistant professor of beef cattle
genetics, University of Missouri
  PowerPoint (508KB .pdf) 

  Synopsis (1.3MB .pdf) of presentations by the Selection Decisions

  Wednesday | Thursday
  Friday — General Session: Challenges to Conventional Wisdom

  Outline of Day 1’s Audience participation by Tom Field, Colorado
 State University
  Audio (11.6MB mp3)

  Can We Build the Ideal Beef Animal? — by Darrh Bullock, Extension
beef specialist, University of Kentucky
  Synopsis (435KB .pdf) | PowerPoint (2.9MB.pdf)

  Why Haven’t We Seen an Improvement in Quality Grade? — The
genetic improvement perspective by Dan Moser, associate professor
of animal sciences and industry, Kansas State University
  Synopsis (790KB .pdf) | PowerPoint (780KB .pdf) | Audio (8.5 MB mp3) 

  Why Haven’t We Seen an Improvement in Quality Grade?
— The
  environmental perspective by Pete Anderson, vice president of sales
  and technical services, VetLife
  Synopsis (782KB .pdf) | PowerPoint (780KB .pdf) | Audio (8.3MB mp3)

  Are There Sacrifices in the Chase for Carcass Merit? — by Bob
Weaber, assistant professor of beef cattle genetics, University of
  Synopsis (794KB .pdf) | PowerPoint (556KB .pdf) | Audio (6.6 MB mp3) 

  Are There Benefits to Using DNA Markers? — The producer
perspective by Luke Lind, vice president of marketing, Five Rivers
  Cattle Feeding
  Synopsis (786KB .pdf) | PowerPoint (292KB .pdf) | Audio (5.5 MB mp3) 

  Are There Benefits to Using DNA Markers?
— The academic
  perspective by Jerry Taylor, professor and Wurdack chair of animal
  genomics, University of Missouri-Columbia
  PowerPoint (1.8MB .pdf) | Audio (6.3MB mp3) 

  Friday — Cow Herd Efficiency & Adaptability Committee

  Mark Enns, Chair

  Development of Guidelines for Individual Feed Intake Data
  Collection — Current Status and Future Direction,
by Denny
  Crews Jr., national study leader, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
  Synopsis (911KB .pdf) | PowerPoint (632KB .pdf) | Audio (9.8MB mp3)

  New Methods for Evaluating Susceptibility to High-Altitude Disease
  in Angus Cattle, by Konni Shirley and Dorian Garrick, professor of
  animal science, Colorado State University
  PowerPoint (212KB .pdf) | Audio (4.6MB mp3)

  Genetic Evaluation of Feed Intake, Efficiency and Maintenance
  Energy in the Cow — What do we need to Learn? by Denny Crews Jr.,
  national study leader, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
  PowerPoint (1.6MB .pdf) | Audio (12.9MB mp3)

  Friday — Emerging Technology Committee

  Bill Bowman, chair

  Whole Genome Scanning for the Beef Industry, by Jerry Taylor,
  professor and Wurdack chair of animal genomics, University of Missouri
  Synopsis (768KB .pdf) | PowerPoint (4.8MB .pdf) | Audio (4.3MB mp3)

  Establishing Guidelines for Incorporation of Genomic Information
  into Selection Tools,
by Mike Tess, professor of animal science,
  Montana State University
  Synopsis (776KB .pdf) | PowerPoint (340KB .pdf) | Audio (5.6MB mp3)

  Investigating Opportunities Available in Genetic Selection for
  Healthy Beef,
by J.R. Tait, Iowa State University
  Synopsis (732KB .pdf) | PowerPoint (928KB .pdf) | Audio (3.6MB mp3)

  Friday — Producer Applications Committee

  Bob Weaber, Chair

  What are Verification Programs and Why Do We Need Them?
  International and Domestic Marketing Perspectives, by Keith Belk,
  associate professor of animal sciences, Colorado State University
  Synopsis (782KB .pdf) | PowerPoint (556KB.pdf) | Audio (10.4MB mp3)

  Feedyard Perspectives on Implementation and Value Capture
  Associated with QSA-PVP Programs, by Dick Carlson, Producers
  Livestock Marketing Association Feedlot, Greeley, Colo., and Steve
  Gabel, Magnum Feedyard LLC, Wiggins, Colo.
  • Dick Carlson PowerPoint (3MB.pdf) | Audio (5.6MB mp3)
  • Steve Gabel PowerPoint (148KB .pdf) | Audio (3.2MB mp3)

  Adding Value, Serving Customers and Capturing Data
  through Breed
-Sponsored Verification Programs, reps from the
  American Angus Ass'n, American Charolais Ass'n, American
  Hereford Ass'n, Red Angus Ass'n of America and
  American Simmental Ass'n

  Angus  PowerPoint (1.4.pdf) | Audio (4.7MB mp3)
  Charolais  PowerPoint (1MB .pdf) | Audio (3.0MB mp3)
  Hereford  PowerPoint (172KB .pdf) | Audio (3.3MB mp3)
  Red Angus  PowerPoint (2.1MB .pdf) | Audio (4.2MB mp3)
  Simmental  PowerPoint (552KB .pdf) | Audio (3.7MB mp3)

  General News Items

  BIF Announces Annual Award Winners
  Synopsis |

  Frank Baker Award Winner: Gabriela Marquez Betz
  Synopsis (768KB .pdf)

  Frank Baker Award Winner: Yuri Regis Montanholi
  Synopsis (768KB .pdf)

  The Seedstock Alliances Tour – Saturday, June 9
  Synopsis |