What's Your Motivation in the Beef Genetics Business?
Determining source of motivation helps keep industry moving forward.
BILOXI, Miss. (June 9, 2015) — “Appreciate your opportunities and appreciate your challenges in the beef industry. To do that, you have to have a sense of humor,” says Jane Parish, research and extension professor at Mississippi State University. She told of an example of frustration with an excessively wet spring, but the result of yet another rain was a double rainbow. The end of that rainbow was Biloxi, Miss., the location of the 2015 Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) Annual Convention June 9-12.

Jane Parish asked each attendee of the Young Producers Symposium to consider who motivates them. The beef industry is a people business, and she urged, “Be willing to accept help and to offer help to others.”
“The pot of gold is the knowledge we gain from this event,” she emphasized.
The beef industry is full of frustrating aspects, including working with biological beings, variant weather, equipment breakdowns and generation transfers. From her experience from many years in Extension and as a rancher, she said that motivation is what drives a person even when things go wrong. Enjoyment is a main factor, and that could be enjoyment of number crunching and using science-based information; using the newest, latest and greatest tools; attempting to produce a super animal; or enhancing the herd’s economic contribution.
She asked each attendee of the Young Producers Symposium to consider who motivates them. The beef industry is a people business, and she urged, “Be willing to accept help and to offer help to others.”
Additionally, she said to consider who you are motivating. Remember that people, especially children, are watching the example you set. Learning more about the genetic tools at a younger age has its advantages, and she commended the young producers attending the symposium.
When times get tough, how does one stay motivated? She shared some observations from her own experiences.
- Take risks and learn from the outcomes
- Take time to reflect on what you have accomplished
- Move beyond obstacles
- Take time for other priorities by finding balance to avoid burn out.
The 2015 BIF Annual Convention was hosted by Mississippi State University and the Mississippi Extension Service June 9-12 at the Beau Rivage Casino and Hotel in Biloxi. The Angus Journal and LiveAuctions.tv provide comprehensive online coverage of the event at www.BIFconference.com. Visit the Newsroom for summaries, proceedings, PowerPoints and audio of the sessions; the Awards page for announcements of award winners; and the Photos page for photo galleries of the tour stops.
Editor’s Note: This summary was written under contract or by staff of the Angus Journal®. Through an agreement with the Beef Improvement Federation, we are encouraging reprinting of the articles to those who will adhere to the reprint guidelines available on this site. Please review those guidelines or contact Shauna Rose Hermel, editor, at 816-383-5270. PowerPoints are posted with permission of the presenter and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission of the presenter.
The Angus Journal's coverage of the event is made possible through collaboration with BIF and sponsorship of LiveAuctions.tv. For questions about this site, or to notify us of broken links, click here. Look for additional coverage in the Angus Journal, the Angus Beef Bulletin, the Angus Journal Daily, the Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA and Angus TV.