Award Winner Photos
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Seedstock Producer of the Year Nominee
Suhn Cattle Co., Eureka, Kansas
The Beef Improvement Federation recognized (from left) Vicki and Vernon Suhn of Suhn Cattle Co. as a Seedstock Producer of the Year nominee. Donnell Brown, 2017-2018 BIF president, presented the award.
Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels

Seedstock Producer of the Year Award
Hunt Limousin Ranc., Oxford, Nebraska
Hunt Limousin Ranch, Oxford, Nebraska, was named the 2017 Beef Improvement Federation Seedstock Producer of the Year during an awards ceremony June 2 in Athens, Ga. Pictured are (from left) Marty Ropp, Normal, Ill., 2016-2017 BIF president; with recipients Charlie Hunt, Jenna Hunt and Daniel Hunt; along with Jay Carlson, BEEF magazine, award sponsor.
Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels

Seedstock Producer of the Year Nominees
Waukaru Farms, Rensselaer, Indiana
Hillside Angus Farm, Albertville, Alabama
The Beef Improvement Federation recognized Waukaru Farms, Rensselaer, Indiana, and Hillside Angus Farm, Albertville, Alabama, as nominees for Seedstock Producer of the Year. Pictured are (from left) Marty Ropp, Normal, Ill., 2016-2017 BIF president, presenting; Toby Jordan, Waukaru Farms; and Judy and Dale Parris, Hillside Angus Farm.
Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels

Commercial Producer of the Year Nominee
Megehee Cattle Co., Macon, Mississippi
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Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels

Commercial Producer of the Year
Mundhenke Beef, Lewis, Kansas
Mundhenke Beef, Lewis, Kansas, was named the 2017 Beef Improvement Federation Commercial Producer of the Year during an awards ceremony June 1 in Athens, Georgia. Pictured are (from left) John and Gina Mundhenke of Mundhenke Beef and Jay Carlson of BEEF magazine, award sponsor.
Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels

Pioneer Award
Harvey Lemmon
Harvey Lemmon was recognized posthumously with the Beef Improvement Federation Pioneer Award June 1 at the organization’s 49th annual convention in Athens, Georgia. Pictured are Harvey’s wife, Nina, Woodbury, Ga., accepting the award; and David Gazda, American Angus Association regional manager, presenting the award.
Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels

Roy A Wallace Scholarship
Dustin Aherin, Phillipsburg, Kansas, Kansas State University
Dustin and Travis Aherin, Phillipsburg, Kan., were presented Roy A.
Wallace Memorial Scholarships June 2 during the Beef Improvement
Federation annual meeting and symposium in Athens, Ga.. Pictured are (from left) Marty Ropp, Normal, Ill., 2016-2017 BIF president; Tanner
Aherin; Dustin Aherin; and Brian House and Norm Vincel, both of Select
Sires Inc.
Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels

Roy A Wallace Scholarship
Tanner Aherin, Phillipsburg, Kansas, Kansas State University
Dustin and Travis Aherin, Phillipsburg, Kan., were presented Roy A.
Wallace Memorial Scholarships June 2 during the Beef Improvement
Federation annual meeting and symposium in Athens, Ga.. Pictured are (from left) Marty Ropp, Normal, Ill., 2016-2017 BIF president; Tanner
Aherin; Dustin Aherin; and Brian House and Norm Vincel, both of Select
Sires Inc.
Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels

Frank Baker / Larry Cundiff Scholarship Award
Lindsay Upperman, University of California-Davis
Lindsay Upperman of the University of California-Davis received a Frank Baker/Larry Cundiff Scholarship Award June 1 at an awards luncheon during the 2017 Beef Improvement Federation symposium. Presenting the award is Robert Williams.
Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels

Frank Baker / Larry Cundiff Scholarship Award
Cashley Ahlberg, Kansas State University
Lindsay Upperman, University of California-Davis
From left, Cashley Ahlberg, Kansas State University, and Lindsay Upperman, University of California-Davis, received Frank Baker/Larry Cundiff Scholarship awards June 1 at an awards luncheon during the 2017 Beef Improvement Federation symposium. Presenting the awards is Robert Williams.
Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels

Ambassador Award
Kevin Ochsner, Kersey, Colorado
Kevin Ochsner, Kersey, Colorado, was presented the Beef Improvement
Federation Ambassador Award June 2 at the organization’s 49th annual
convention in Athens, Georgia. Pictured are (from left) Marty Ropp,
2016-2017 BIF president; Kevin Ochsner; Josh White, National Cattlemen’s
Beef Association executive director of producer education; and Donnell
Brown, 2017-2018 BIF president.
Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels

New President Donnell Brown
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Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels

President's Award
Retiring President Marty Ropp (left) and new President Donnell Brown
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Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels

Retiring President Marty Ropp
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Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels

New President Donnell Brown
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Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels

Appreciation Award, Jacob Segers
UGA Animal and Dairy Science Department
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Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels

Appreciation Award, Ronald Silcox
UGA Animal and Dairy Science Department
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Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels

Appreciation Award
Georgia Cattlemen's Association
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Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels

Continuing Service Award
Kevin and Lydia Yon, Ridge Spring,
South Carolina
Kevin and Lydia Yon, Ridge Spring, South Carolina, were presented the Beef Improvement Federation Continuing Service Award. Also pictured are Dan Moser, Angus Genetics Inc. president (far left) and Marty Ropp, 2016-2017 BIF president. Yons were honored June 2 at the organization’s 49th annual convention in Athens, Georgia.
Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels

Continuing Service Award
Matt Spangler, University of Nebraska
Matt Spangler, associate professor and extension beef genetics specialist at the University of Nebraska, was presented the Beef Improvement Federation Continuing Service Award. Also pictured is Marty Ropp, 2016-17 BIF president. Spangler was honored June 2 at the organization’s 49th annual convention in Athens, Georgia.
Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels

Continuing Service Award
Shauna Hermel, Angus Media
Shauna Hermel (center), Angus Journal editor, receives the Beef Improvement Federation Continuing Service Award from Marty Ropp, 2016-2017 BIF president (left); and Donnell Brown (right), 2017-2018 BIF president. Hermel was honored June 2 at the organization’s 49th annual convention in Athens, Georgia.
Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels

Continuing Service Award
Alabama Cooperative Extension
Michelle Elmore (center), Canton, Alabama, was presented a BIF Continuing Service Award. Also pictured are Marty Ropp, 2016-2017 BIF president; and Jane Parish, BIF executive director. Elmore was honored June 2 at the organization’s 49th annual convention in Athens, Georgia.
Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels

2017 Beef Improvement Federation
Board of Directors
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Photo courtesy K-State Research and Extension
Photo size: 1800 x 1200 pixels