Beef Cattle Climate Adaptability
How can genomics help?
by Mayzie Purviance, Angus Media internIt is predicted that by 2100, the average temperature in the United States will be raised by 2º-6º C (3.6°-10.8° F), and the number of days with a temperature above 32º C (90° F) is expected to increase, shared Raluca Mateescu, a quantitative geneticist for the University of Florida. In other words, our cattle are going to undergo an increase in heat stress.

Raluca Mateescu, a quantitative geneticist for the University of Florida, shared insights on how genomics might assist beef cattle in adapting to climate.
During a June 1 breakout session on advancements in efficiency and adaptability at the 2017 Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) Research Symposium and Convention in Athens, Ga., Mateescu shared insights on how genomics might assist beef cattle in adapting to climate.
When an animal experiences heat stress, its ambient temperature is raised and productive functions are compromised. These negative effects can contribute to issues in production through feed intake and redistribution of blood flow, and elevated body temperature, which can affect specific organ systems.
If the chances of being affected by heat stress within the next 85 years are going to increase, how will our livestock cope? Mateescu offered an answer: “Genetic improvement is one of the few feasible strategies for adequate and sustainable production of beef protein in an increasingly hot world.”
Mateescu has conducted extensive research to back up her statement. She spoke of the mechanisms of heat stress adaptation such as thermoregulation. She also stated that in order to tolerate heat stress, we will have to regulate internal heat production and heat exchange.
Mateescu proposed crossbreeding Brahman and Angus genetics in order to increase thermotolerance. The figures shown in the accompanying PowerPoint show the results of Mateescu’s research. The figures indicate that although the Brangus herd did not have a heat tolerance as low as the Brahman, it had a significantly better heat tolerance than the purebred Angus.
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