Award Winner Photos
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Pioneer Award
Merlyn Nielsen
Merlyn Nielsen (left), University of Nebraska–Lincoln, receives a Beef Improvement Federation Pioneer Award from Steve Whitmire, 2013-2014 BIF president. Nielsen received the honor during an awards luncheon at the organization’s 46th research symposium and annual meeting hosted June 18-21 in Lincoln, Neb.
News release

Commercial Producer of the Year Award
CB Farms Family Partnership, Preston, Kansas
CB Farms Family Partnership of Preston, Kan., was named the 2014 Beef Improvement Federation Commercial Producer of the Year during an awards ceremony June 19 at the Cornhusker Marriott Hotel in Lincoln, Neb. Pictured at the awards ceremony are (from left) Steve Whitmire, 2013-2014 BIF president; Carla and Berry Bortz, recipients; and Burt Rutherford, BEEF magazine, award sponsor.
News release

Pioneer Award
Steve Radakovich
Steve Radakovich (center), Radakovich Cattle Co., Earlham, Iowa, receives a Beef Improvement Federation Pioneer Award from Steve Whitmire (right), 2013-2014 BIF president, and Dorian Garrick, Iowa State University. Radakovich received the honor during an awards luncheon at the organizations 46th research symposium and annual meeting hosted June 18-21 in Lincoln, Neb.
News release

Pioneer Award
Gary Bennett
Gary Bennett (left) of the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center at Clay Center, Neb., receives a Beef Improvement Federation Pioneer Award from Steve Whitmire, 2013-2014 BIF president. Bennett received the honor during an awards luncheon at the organization’s 46th research symposium and annual meeting hosted June 18-21 in Lincoln, Neb.
News release

Continuing Service Award
Wade Shafer
Wade Shafer (left) of the American Simmental Association, Bozeman, Mont., receives a Beef Improvement Federation Continuing Service Award from Steve Whitmire, 2013-2014 BIF president. Shafer received the honor during an awards luncheon at the organization’s 46th research symposium and annual meeting hosted June 18-21 in Lincoln, Neb.
News release

Continuing Service Award
Larry Kuehn
Larry Kuehn (center) of the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center at Clay Center, Neb., receives a Beef Improvement Federation Continuing Service Award from Steve Whitmire (right), 2013-2014 BIF president, and Ron Lewis, USMARC. Kuehn received the honor during an awards luncheon at the organization’s 46th research symposium and annual meeting hosted June 18-21 in Lincoln, Neb.
News release

Continuing Service Award
Susan Willmon
Susan Willmon (left) of the American Gelbvieh Association, Westminster, Colo., receives a Beef Improvement Federation Continuing Service Award from Steve Whitmire, 2013-2014 BIF president. Willmon received the honor during an awards luncheon at the organization’s 46th research symposium and annual meeting hosted June 18-21 in Lincoln, Neb.
News release

Continuing Service Award
Warren Snelling
Warren Snelling (center) of the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center at Clay Center, Neb., receives a Beef Improvement Federation Continuing Service Award from Steve Whitmire, 2013-2014 BIF president, and Bruce Golden, California Polytechnic State University. Snelling received the honor during an awards luncheon at the organization’s 46th research symposium and annual meeting hosted June 18-21 in Lincoln, Neb.
News release

Frank Baker Award
(Both together)
The Frank Baker Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Heather Bradford, Kansas State University, and Xi Zeng, Colorado State University, during an awards ceremony June 20 at the 2014 Beef Improvement Federation Research Symposium and Annual Meeting hosted at the Cornhusker Marriott Hotel in Lincoln, Neb. Pictured are (from left) Robert Williams, director of breed improvement and foreign marketing director for the American International Charolais Association; Zeng; Bradford; and Steve Whitmire, BIF 2013-2014 president.
Bradford news release | Zeng news release

Seedstock Producer Award
Schuler Red Angus, Bridgeport, Neb.
Schuler Red Angus, Bridgeport, Neb., was named the 2014 Beef Improvement Federation Seedstock Producer of the Year during an awards ceremony June 20 at the Cornhusker Marriott Hotel in Lincoln, Neb. Pictured at the awards ceremony are (from left) Steve Whitmire, BIF 2013-2014 president; Butch, Susan, Stephanie and David Schuler, recipients; and Burt Rutherford, BEEF magazine, award sponsor.
News release

Frank Baker Award
Heather Bradford
Heather Bradford (center), Kansas State University, receives the Frank Baker Memorial Scholarship from Robert Williams, breed improvement and foreign marketing director for the American International Charolais Association, and Steve Whitmire, 2013-2014 Beef Improvement Federation president. Bradford received the honor during an awards luncheon at the organization’s 46th symposium hosted June 18-21 in Lincoln, Neb.
News release

Frank Baker Award
Xi Zeng
Xi Zeng (left), Colorado State University, receives the Frank Baker Memorial Scholarship from Steve Whitmire, 2013-2014 Beef Improvement Federation president. Zeng received the honor during an awards luncheon at the organization’s 46th symposium hosted June 18-21 in Lincoln, Neb.
News release

Ambassador Award
John Maday
John Maday, Drovers CattleNetwork, was honored with the Beef Improvement Federation Ambassador Award. Maday was recognized during an awards luncheon at the organizations 46th research symposium and annual meeting hosted June 18-20 in Lincoln, Neb. Pictured are (from left) Greg Henderson, editorial director of Beef Today and; Maday; and Steve Whitmire, 2013-2014 BIF president.
News release

2014 Beef Improvement Federation
Board of Directors
Elected to the 2014-2015 Beef Improvement Board of Directors are (seated, from left) Larry Keenan, American Red Angus Association; Donnell Brown, R.A. Brown Ranch, Throckmorton, Texas; Joe Cassady, South Dakota State University, BIF executive director; Steve Munger, Eagle Pass Ranch, Mansfield, S.D., president; Craig Bieber, Bieber Red Angus, Leola, S.D.; Steve Whitmire, Ridgefield Farm, Brasstown, N.C., past president; Twig Marston, American Red Angus Association, historian; Robert Williams, American International Charolais Association; (standing, from left) Jack Ward, American Hereford Association; Doug Frank, ABS Global; Lauren Hyde, American Simmental Association; Jon Patterson, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association; Jane Parrish, Mississippi State Univesity, regional secretary; Tommy Clark, Mystic Hill Farm, Culpeper, Va.; Chris Shivers, American Brahman Breeders Association; John Genho, Eldon Farms, Woodville, Va.; Joe Epperly, North American Limousin Foundation; Joe Mushrush, Mushrush Red Angus, Strong City, Kan.; Mike Tess, Montana State University: and David Bolduc, Canadian Beef Breeds Council, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Not pictured are Bob Weaber, Kansas State University, regional secretary; Mark Enns, Colorado State University, regional secretary; Lee Leachman, Leachman Cattle of Colorado, Wellington, Colo.; Marty Ropp, Allied Genetic Resources, Normal, Ill.; and Mark Thallman, U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, Agricultural Research Service liaison.
News release

Roy Wallace Scholarship Award
The Roy A. Wallace Memorial scholarship was awarded to Heather Bradford, Kansas State University, and Maci Lienemann, University of Nebraska. Pictured are (from left) Joe Cassady, executive director of the Beef Improvement Federation; Brian House, Select Sires; Trevor, Torri and Maci Lienemann; Bradford; and Aaron Arnett, Select Sires.
Bradford news release | Lienemann news release